Monday, March 07, 2005

Crazy homeless man -- New Montgomery

There's this crazy homeless man that wanders New Montgomery in the mornings. Everyone who walks up the street to get to work knows him. He's one of those "borderline" homeless people -- like if you catch him on the wrong day, he'll rip your eyes out or pull your hair out or something. He's a screamer/yeller. He's usually not yelling at anyone except his demons, so I just make sure I'm aware of his location but haven't felt particularly threatened yet. He's one of the more dirtier, smellier homeless locals that I come across on a daily basis. If I have to pass him, I usually suck in my breath until I'm about 10 feet beyond him. I cannot take the smell.

Today when I was approaching the stairwell to get to the BART station, I noticed he was leaning against the cement block that begins the wall of the stairwell. Pretty unusual since I never really see him except in the mornings. This was in the evening. And I never see him actually on Market Street, which is where he was. Then I noticed that his legs are bare. To get to the stairwell, I have to make a turn around him, and I noticed him making arm movements -- not quite sure what he was doing, not quite sure I want to know.... My assumption is he was going to the bathroom, perhaps doing something even worse for public viewing. Regardless, I wasn't going to look.

Nice sight for the tourists. His smell followed me down the two flights of stairs to the BART station. You almost, almost get used to it, but I fear the day that I really am.

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