Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I'm very big and very tired these days, so instead of trying to be sneaky, I decided to make my life easy last night. I had already planned to buy my husband gift cards for iTunes, but I knew from this point on, I wouldn't be going to any store alone or walking to the Apple store near work, and I know I could have bought them online and had them mailed, but I just don't have the will to even do that.

So there we were at Safeway last night, and I told him to grab two of the iTunes gift cards. He asked who they were for, and I said, "Who do you think???"

He mentioned two of our friends, and I said, "NOOOOOO."

He looked confused while I had a 'come on, now' look on my face.

"They're for the very spoiled person I live with!!" I said.

"Buuuttt--- you said you bought my gift and it was 130 dollars....and...and...," he said.

"Don't worry about it," I told him.

I then gave him some story about how his gift was always being delayed, so I cancelled it cause I didn't want to play the "is it coming before xmas or not game."

What I found very interesting is that his whole attitude completely changed from that point on. He was suddenly very chipper and peppy. I did inform him that he can't have his gift cards until xmas, and that he needed to pretend he never saw anything.

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